Latest Dance News 2 January 2017

Alice and Jamie

In 2016 Alice and Jamie got married.

Alice and Jamie







Not everyone wants a complicated wedding dance. Some people would prefer that there was NO dancing expected by the Bride and Groom at weddings at all.

In Jamie’s case dancing in public, even in front of friends and family, was something he really wasn’t looking forward to. So he came to a few lessons by himself, not to learn a routine or steps, but to gain enough confidence so he could take Alice out on the floor.

They said “it went well and as you know it was pretty short. Thank you so much for your time and confidence building!”

So if all you need is a little confidence; some help to get out onto the floor please call or email. I teach in small private studios and I’m sure I can help.


Elly (027 215 1430) or

Latest Dancing News 13 November 2016








Recently I have received the following comments from two of the couples I have been working with:

“Just wanted to let you know we pulled our dance off brilliantly! The guests were incredibly impressed that we’d been to dance lessons and couldn’t believe my husband picked it up so easily! We had a lot of fun and were so proud we nailed it! Thanks so much for your choreography and positive teaching.” L&C

“The wedding was amazing and we surprised everyone with our dance. They all absolutely loved it and were so impressed! 🙂 Thank you for your patience and crafting a dance that suited us, you really made learning easy and fun. Definitely a memorable experience and I’m so glad we did it.” K&N  

View Wedding Dance / First Dance videos.

Dance Company will be closing on Wednesday 21st of December and will be back teaching in January. Right now there are still a few lesson times free in December so if you want some help with your wedding dance do call or email.

Elly (027 215 1430) or